wärmste Empfehlung
Save the Tiger Fund + Panthera

The tiger is one of the most iconic animals on earth, but the largest of the big cats is on the brink of extinction. Tigers are globally listed as "Endangered" on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Two of the remaining sub-species — Malayan and Sumatran — are "Critically Endangered." As recently as 100 years ago, as many as 100,000 wild tigers roamed across Asia. Today, about 4,500 tigers are left in the wild, occupying a mere four percent of their former range. This catastrophic population decline is driven by a range of threats, including poaching for the illegal wildlife trade, overhunting of prey species by local people, habitat loss and fragmentation, and human-tiger conflict.
Download our Tiger Fact Sheet to learn more about the tiger.
The State of the Tiger
Schamanismus, Deutschland, Behandlung, Reiki, Heilung
Köln, Wuppertal, Deutschland, Schamanismus, Heilung, Energieheilung, Heiler, Behandlung, , Liebe, Hilfe, Depression, Burnout, Selbstmordgedanken, Gesundheit, Reiki, Behandlung, Schamane, seriöse Schamanen, Flüche auflösen, Black Magick auflösen, schwarze Magie auflösen, Chakra, Heilung, Therapie

Shamanic Healing and Magick with Peter Aziz of Devon, UK
I am Peter Aziz, a healer, magician, and shaman living in Devon, UK. I have spent my whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom.
I have dedicated myself to bringing the ancient wisdom to the public, to help all spiritual seekers to further themselves, and to healing the impossible. I run workshops on healing, magick and shamanism, where I initiate my students into these powerful traditions. In my healing practice, I combine many of these techniques, specializing in the most difficult cases that have not been able to find relief anywhere else.

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